Makayama Software Tech Support

DVD-to-Mobile (Nokia Edition) 1.0 – the most frequently asked support questions

  Your top 25 questions… And the solutions…
#0 How do I re-download or upgrade (not yet available)?

1) If you bought through Handango, affiliated stores, or at our own Makayama webstore, you can download or upgrade (when available) here:

login at 'Desktop Download' with your email adress and order reference number (you find this in your Handango order confirmation email). After installation, you need to register the software again with the username and serial number you received earlier.

2) If you bought through SymbianGear, you must login to your account:

Then you go to 'My Downloads' and you can re-download the latest version. After installation, you need to register the software again with the username and serial number you received earlier.

3) When you bought through, find the confirmation email that you received when you purchased DVD-to-Mobile and click on the link in the email (this is a sample):


You will start downloading the updated version immediately then.

4) Wenn Sie DVD-to-Mobile über Mobile2Day, ein Affiliate Partner oder einem Software Choice Programm erworben haben, so können Sie die neuste Version direkt in Ihrem Kunden-Account laden.

Nach der Neuinstallation müssen Sie die Software neu Registrieren. Nutzen Sie dabei die Ihnen schon vorher zugesandten Daten.

5) Wenn Sie DVD-to-Mobile über, oder ein Affiliate Partner erworben haben, so können Sie die neuste Version noch 180 tagen um sonst direkt in Ihrem Kunden-Account laden. Nach der Neuinstallation müssen Sie die Software neu Registrieren. Nutzen Sie dabei die Ihnen schon vorher zugesandten Daten.


Runtime Error -2147417848 and/or:

Repeated messages: "Error. Please press OPEN again..."

1) Restart your PC.
2) Quit all processor and memory hungry programs (such as Kazaa, Norton, Overnet, WinDVD, Power DVD, etcetera). Also in the system tray (lower right corner of your screen)
3) Take your oldest DVD, put it in your drive
4) Start DVD-to-Mobile
5) Click OPEN, select the DVD
5B) If you can't select the DVD directly, select the
VIDEO_TS folder on the DVD disc.
6) Select the title (the one with the longest time)
8) Make sure you see the DVD playing in the embedded media player window. Indicated in the lower left corner of the window ('Playing')*
9) Choose RESET ALL from the Options Menu (before pressing Action) and follow the instructions

10) Set 'Movie Size' in the Options Menu to 'Same as Original'

11) Press ACTION

If the error persists:

12) go to steps 1 to 11 with a different DVD

If you still experience the error:

14) The DVD is 'not supported'. On average 90% of all DVDs should work with our software.

* Sometimes, although you chose the main movie title, the embedded media player will play the movie's menu screen or some intro clip. If you see something else then the main movie playing, right-click on the preview window and choose Zoom\Full Screen from the pop-up menu. This will allow you to pick the main movie easier. After you selected it, return to the windows size by right-clicking and choosing Exit Full Screen.

2) How do I download the purchased software again ?

If you bought through Handango or the (Handango-powered) Makayama Store, you can re-download here. Login at 'Desktop Download' with your email adress and order reference number (you find this in your (Handango) order confirmation email)

If you bought through PocketGear, you can download the latest version here (click on the yellow 'Download Now'-button). You will need to provide e-mail and password that you used to purchase the software.

After installation, you need to register the software again with the username and serial number you received earlier.



I get an error 'Sample not found, or audio decoding error. ....continue?'


The sound of the final DVD.3gp file has silence gaps.

When you experience audio gaps, do the following:

1) Start the software, click Open, choose the DVD and select the Title

2) In the Options Menu, choose Extra Features.

3) In the right corner, turn Silence DetectionOFF. 

4) Do a Test Run from the Options Menu. Sound should be ok now .

4) The sound is out of sync with the video. It seems to lag 2 seconds.

Some DVDs cause the video and audio to go out of sync. If you have such a DVD, open it, go to the Options Menu, and choose Extra Features. In the window that opens, go to 'Audio/Video sync' and choose 'Synchronize'. Then do a test run to check sound.

5) There is no sound at all in the final DVD.avi file

From the Options Menu, select ‘Extra Features’. In the window that opens, locate ‘Sound Settings’, select ‘Audio Dub’ and change it from AC5 to AC2 (or to a language mentioned). Check or uncheck the option ‘Dolby Surround’, try all combination of audio settings and keep doing Test Run from the Options Menu until you find the right combination.


It may be caused by not having the latest build of Windows Media Player 9 installed, or your system needs a DVD playback component.

Please download Windows Media Player 9 here
Check if you have a software DVD player, such as WinDVD or PowerDVD on your PC.
If not: get a DVD playback component here

Please install both, and also re-install our software from the original installer.


I have another brand phone. Do you have software for that?

There is a version of the software that supports Symbian UIQ devices:

Sony Ericsson P800/P900/P910, Motorola A920/A925/A1000, BenQ P31/P31 and Arima U3000

A version for Microsoft Smartphones can be found here:

8) "There seems to be no DVD in the drive", but the disc is in.

1) The software can't find the disc index. Try selecting the VIDEO_TS folder on the DVD disc. If the error persists:

2) Click on My Computer and check if Windows XP sees the disc at all (the title should show). It should look like this:

If you see "DVD Drive" without title, Windows XP doesn't recognise the disc. Try completely restarting the PC.

3) Your disk maybe dirty or scratched, causing the DVD drive not to recognize it. Try cleaning it. Or try a brand new DVD.

9) Some movies are bigger than 128 Mb and don't fit on my memorycard.

The maximum movie lenth in 'High Quality' is approx. 90 minutes. The maximum movie lenth in 'Low Quality' is approx. 120 minutes. Movies longer than that will generate larger files. You'll have to buy an extra memory card, or use the spare card you got when you bought the phone, to store a missing part. The maxima are set because squeezing longer movies into 128Mb would force the software to degrade video quality to such an extent, that the movie would become unwatchable on the mobile phone. The maxima vary because our software uses variable bitrate encoding, for best picture quality, but the file size is less predictable then.

10) Can't install the software
  • Please unzip the package to your DESKTOP, then install. Don't use some temporary directory and don't launch it from within Winzip.
  • Make sure you have Windows XP
  • Make sure you have a C:\ disk
  • Make sure you have the latest Winzip version from
  • Don't break off the installation too early. Don't press 'cancel' at any time during the process. Wait for all items and installation windows to disappear from your screen, this may take up to 2 minutes.

The final, converted movie looks jagged particularly during horizontal movements. For example, this screenshot:

To correct this, from the Options Menu choose Extra Features, and set the 'TV Lines' menu item to 'Normal'

12) My serial number doesn't work

Don't type the serial number(you will mix up number 1 and letter l), but use copy/paste. Beware: when you copy/paste the user name and serial number from the confirmation email, there may be arrows 'sticking' at the end. The spaces cause the serial number to be refused. Remove the spaces before entering the numbers in the registration window. For example, enter: "123", not "123 ".

13) How do I copy the movie to my phone? There are 3 ways to copy the DVD.avi file from you desktop PC to the mobile phone:
  • The fastest way is by using a (built-in or usb) memorycard reader. Put the memorycard in the drive and use copy/paste. The DVD Player on the phone will scan for the file and show it in the playlist. 
  • You can also use your phone sync software (such as Nokia PC Suite, when your connected, copy to the storage card (not to the internal memory of the mobile phone)
  • You may also use Bluetooth to copy the file. This is the slowest method. You would have to use the OBEX profile to transfer the file.
14) ‘Runtime error: 6. Buffer overflow’

This happens when your DVD is damaged or dirty. The DVD player will ‘hang’ on a certain part of the movie. Clean your DVD, try again.

15) ‘Audio format not supported ‘DTS’.

Select ‘Extra Features’ from the menu and press ‘default’ in the window that pops up. Next, locate ‘Audio Settings’ in the same window and check the ‘Track’ menu. Make sure the audiotrack is in AAC, not in DTS format. Press OK to confirm.

16) The software switches to Step 2 too soon. Only part of my movie is converted.
  • After opening the DVD, goto Options Menu
    Select Reset All
    Click on 'Default' then on 'All'

  • Also: your DVD may be dirty or damaged. The DVD player can't read past some point of the disc and will give up, starting Step 2 to save whatever was converted up to that point. Solution: clean the DVD, check it for scratches and try again.
  • Or: You may not have enough free space on your C:\ disk to store the temporary file the software creates. You need 10Mb of free space for every minute of movie time. For example: a 120-minute movie needs 1,2 Gigabyte for a temp file that will be removed if encoding is completed. If you have only, say, 600 Mb, the software will extract 60 minutes from the DVD, then jump to
    Step2 and will crash or hang because there's no more storage space for the final, smaller movie file.
17) After pressing 'Action', a small window pops-up and I get a Runtime Error 53, 'file not found'.

a) The software uses the C:-drive as the temporary drive. If you don't have one, you can change it to D:\ or to Z:\. From the Options Menu, choose Special \Temp Disk and change it to the drive you would like to use. Or:

b) The software needs plenty space on a harddrive to store temporary files, you don’t seem to have enough. From the Options Menu, choose Special \ Temp Disk and change it to your biggest harddrive.

18) Norton Anti-Virus or Firewall software reports DVD-to-Mobile accesing the internet. Our software seeks access to the Internet on the following occasions:

From the Help Menu\'How does it work', to display the online manual

From the Help Menu\'I get errors', to display this online error database

From the Buy Menu\'This Software' to connect to the Handango Store

From the Buy Menu\'Memory card' to connect to Amazon

From the Help Menu\'Who made this' to connect to the Makayama website.

All other firewall alerts are false. We do NOT store or process information about your system, your DVDs, etc.

19) My DVD looks squeezed or stretched on my mobile phone. There are always black stripes on top and bottom. Or: the left and right parts of the screen are chopped off.

Mobile phone screens and movie theater screens aren't the same size and shape. Movie screens are much bigger and wider. Today, films generally come in one of two basic widescreen sizes (called aspect ratios): 'Academy Standard' (aspect ratio 1.85:1), and 'Anamorphic Scope' (aspect ratio 2.35:1). Films in 'Academy' are widescreen (like English Patient, Toy Story or Silence of the Lambs), but do not appear quite as wide as Scope films (like Star Wars, Lawrence of Arabia, or Apollo 13). Mobile phone screens sometimes have a 1.22:1 (Series 60) aspect ratio, and sometimes 1:53:1 (UIQ).

To better fit all these different aspect ratios on the different mobile device screens, our software uses several methods. By default it will 'Zoom' the picture, but it will also use averaging techniques. You can override these settings by picking one of the other two aspect ratios manually. From the Movie Size Menu, you can pick:

Same as Original. Leaves everything unchanged. Use this setting for tv-shows or if you want to preserve the widescreen image. It makes the viewing area small (sometimes very small) on the phone.

Zoom. This is the default. It croppes the picture from left and right and averages to a 1:33 aspect ratio.

Squeeze. This will compress the whole picture into a mobile device aspect ratio, resulting in a squeezed look.

20) Does your software work on Windows 2000?

Windows XP is required. However users have reported succes with some version of Windows2000, although it is not officially supported. Try the demo version, convert a DVD and you can see how it performs on your PC. If it crashes, do NOT buy the full version.

21) -


22) Cannot find MSVBVM60.DLL

You see to be missing a file that is normally part of Windows XP
please download the file (click here) and unzip it to your c:\windows directory

23) After attempting to copy one movie from my hard disk, I can no longer open a DVD. The previous movie is stuck in the open window. The program will no longer allow me to select another movie.

Our software does not support copying of hard drive files. To correct this situation: rename the folder where the previous movie files are stored. For example if it is in a folder called 'movies', rename it to '1movies'. Now start our software again and it will show the files on the DVD drive.

24) My DVD holds multiple episodes, such as tv-shows, but only the first (or all of them at once) get converted.

Goto the Options Menu, choose Extra Features. In the window that opens look under Special DVD Features and click on Multiple Episodes. You can choose each episode you want to convert seperately.

25) My problem is not in this list

Contact tech support and provide your serial number (mail support is for registered users only)

updated 02-NOV-04